Saturday, March 04, 2006

The $10,000 Challenge

It seems as if one blogger is out to make "blog history" and is actually putting his money where his mouth is--$10,000 to be exact.

(Blog Herald) SEO John Scott, widely known more recently as the man behind the v7ndotcom elursrebmem SEO contest at v7n, has thrown down the gauntlet to bloggers to subvert the A-List.

Loren Baker writes at Search Engine Journal that Scott feels that the blogosphere is being controlled by a clique of A-list bloggers "who are sitting on top of their blogostools, and adding to their perceived level of divinity by playing link grab*** with each other" and thinks that bloggers don't link enough.

Scott's internet $10,000 challenge can be found here. I am very much interested to see who comes out on top and it will be an interesting experience to see if the "A-List" can truly be subverted.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:11 AM

    I realy appreciate your efforts for v7ndotcom elursrebmem contest.
    I am also particpating in the contest with
    it would be a great fun.!"So Let The Race Begin"



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