Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Print And Pattern Going Dutch?

It looks as if Bowie is showing off some very interesting designs over on her site Print and Pattern. And this pillow sure looks tempting.

I wonder if she actually makes them? Anyways, here is a brief description explaining why she posted the pillow above.

from yesterdays japanese designs today im going dutch, and looking at these fun designs on glass coasters from dutch company present time. they also have some nifty cushions featuring the trend flower, a japanese chrysanth. present time are also the producers of some great products designed by dutch design studio muurbloem, as featured in the next post....

Sounds interesting. I've never considered fashion blogs before, but I wouldn't be surprised if Bowie's idea catches on (perhaps she could lead the niche!). Either way, she needs to spice up her skin layout. Here are my suggestions below:


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