Thursday, January 12, 2006

Die Hard Kobe Fan

NBA Talks discusses about a die hard Kobe fan:

Bryant fanatic forever and would be willing to argue 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 360 days a year, until the time is through (okay, enough of that) with any Kobe-critic or a Kobe-basher out there. [...]

You bet this guy will gonna get into your nerves once you started to exchange arguments with him regarding his beloved #8.

I am not a Kobe fan either (actually I am not even into basketball) but I will take note on Bryant, lest he talk my ears to death about Kobe.

Note: He could spice up his skin template. I think these recommendations would suite him well:

- basketball (preview here)
- basketball.totally.rox (preview here)
- score (preview here)
- Da Basketballer (preview here)

Of course there are plenty of other basket ball templates to choose from. Cheers!


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