Friday, January 20, 2006

Is Ad Placement Important?

Google's Ad Sense team apparently has some advice for bloggers (and webmasters) about how to generate more revenue which in turn will help them generate more revenue.

As a general rule of thumb, ideal ad placement lies in a region balancing the left to right (emphasis towards the left), and top to bottom (emphasis towards the top) portion of a page. Article based pages are an exception, as placing ads directly below an article can lead to a greater number of readers clicking through.

The number of ad units you choose to display can also affect ad performance. While some sites perform well using the maximum 3 ad units per page, it's important to maintain a balance between content and ad display -- the optimal number of ad units per page varies for different sites.

As you probably can tell, I am not exactly following this rule for several reasons. I did consider placing my side bar on the left, but I have found that it can potentially slow down a web page (unless you have two sidebars of course).

Although moving the ads above may help, although I am going to have to do some "htmling" in order to make it work (last time the site looked bloated). Cheers!


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