Sunday, January 15, 2006

The Miller

Another great blog novel to read! Here is an excellent piece written by Josh over at "The Miller:

"Tonight's the anniversary. You know that right?" O'Reilly had that solemn look on his face that a cop has to have when he stands over a dead body. The pre-dawn soot had started to snow down, the tarp that covered the tiny form turning from off-white to blackish-brown. "Suppose we do our part, and let these boys take her back to the cooler, till Doc can examine her."

Tonight marks the twentieth anniversary of these murders. A hundred and twenty-five that we know of have disappeared in those twenty years."

I love how the introduction starts out "dark and deep" and leaves you wondering about the murder--all the while expecting a great story. Will add this to the sidebar and I look forward to reading more chapters later on.


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