Monday, April 03, 2006

Does This Look Yummy To You?

Annie claims to have discovered the best tasting cookie ever (at least the best one that she has created).

Attention Chocolate Chip Cookies Lovers. This could possible be the best cookie I have ever had the pleasure of making. It is chewy and delicious. I happened to be watching the food network this weekend and Alton Brown of Good Eats was babbling on about three different styles of chocolate chip cookies.

He called them the thin [and] cripsy, the soft & puffy and the chewy. Now I started to listen carefully. I have made a couple hundred batches of cookies in my life and have alway found it hard to master the chewy texture that I so desire. So when this scientifically inclined chef said there was a secret to the perfect cookie I watched with bated breath.

After visiting her site I was sorely disappointed. The cookie looked extremely ugly, which was confirmed by commentaries below.

However, Annie said it was the best tasting cookie, (not the best looking) so perhaps I'll step beyond my vanity and see if I can find the recipe for the cookies myself.


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