Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Post Exam Depression

I wouldn't be surprised if this affected tens of millions of college students. Opera should cover this on her show, but since she is busy, I'll post the details here.

From Lavender:

Ok, what did I do after getting my results?
I grieved for a couple of days. Cried my eyes out...
Got back on my feet. Tried to stop feeling sorry for myself and get on with life.

So, I sat in front the computer for 5 hours struggling to figure out what course to take up. Then, joined in a couple of forums. Asked a few advice, met up with my school counselor and did some research of certain courses that I may/eligible to take up. [...]

So what might be the "purpose" of me not obtaining flying colours in my exam?
Educate me on what exactly?

It is my future here in stake!!!

My advice? Don't ask me for advice (as the future can be scary). But one quote I've often recited in the face of obstacles is from Rem Saverem:

"And if you keep your vision clear you will see the future.

What happens in our future is our own responsibility."

So sit down and relax. After all, every human being has options...unless of course you live in North Korea.


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