Thursday, January 12, 2006

She Dares Us... comment on her blog.

Say hi, if you're reading. I'm pretty sure there aren't too many of you, but prove me wrong. Dare you.

Hmm...could we remedy the situation? Three things I recommend:

1) Change layout template (via It may keep readers on longer, as well as make the stay more enjoyable. This blog skin (preview here) may suit her needs, although there are thousands to choose from.

2) Register on Blog Explosion (and similar blog directories). Why? It draws traffic towards your blog, as well as search engines too.

3) Get Google Ad Sense. It works!

Well, those are my three suggestions. How did I do?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:56 PM

    Interesting comments, and thanks for the skins page. I am somewhat bored with the template, but too lazy to change it.

    Actually, the dare was a joke because I haven't told most of the people I know about the blog or where it's located!

    Check back with me later. I have time this weekend to play with this.

    Oh, and last question -- is it good or bad, in your opinion, that I've not used the trackback options?

    Gracias, danke.



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